Fiona Smith cooks up a virtual tour, visiting favourite places and dreaming of new adventures.
“I love this beautiful country and wouldn’t live anywhere else (I’ve tried a few places), but I crave the interest and excitement of different landscapes and cultures. Most of all I hunger after the food.”
Travel has been a huge part of my life and the thought of not being able to leave New Zealand stresses me out. Don’t get me wrong, I love this beautiful country and wouldn’t live anywhere else (I’ve tried a few places), but I crave the interest and excitement of different landscapes and cultures. Most of all I hunger after the food. I fully admit to being that annoying person who rigorously plans each meal, talking about dinner over lunch, that being the lunch we didn’t eat until 3pm because I had to find the perfect place. On 28 March 2020, I was booked on a flight to Vietnam; Ginny Grant and I had a plan to eat our way around Hanoi, top of the list being pho. Over my first few weeks in lockdown I satisfied my hunger for pho by making steaming bowlsful, fragrant with herbs that instantly transported me back to my first visit to Vietnam. The following recipes are a way for me to travel back; for some of you it will be the same. For others the recipes might take you on a new adventure, as I’m looking forward to going on with my fellow Cuisine writers through their recipes.
In Season watermelon
When the weather is scorching, watermelon is the ultimate cooler. But…
Give a man a fish… Squid
A flash in the pan or a long slow cook – there’s no middle ground…