Take a 30-minute drive from Hobart to The Agrarian Kitchen and discover this incredible two-hatted restaurant, kitchen garden and cooking school that has been years in the making and where the integrity of the ingredients clearly speaks for itself. Sustainability is at the heart of everything that is done here and, at a time where we are often influenced by easy access to ingredients from all over the world, at any season Rodney Dunn and Séverine Demanet have made the decision to be hyper local and create an authentically delicious sense of place. Take one look at their massive kitchen garden and you’ll realise that this decision comes with a lot of responsibility and dedication to making change for good. Meat bones, oyster and egg shells are all meticulously treated to provide nutrition for crops, fish waste and whey from their cheesemaking are used for developing sprays for the garden, paper towels from bathrooms and kitchen are shredded to provide food for the worm farms. Nothing is wasted here and it is an expensive investment in time and resources that is to be admired. Your truly local food experience may start in their greenhouse with views of the massive garden where 90% of the ingredients for your meal are grown. It is a thoughtful menu by head chef Stephen Peak, again choosing the long road to delicious by crafting their own cheese, butchering the whole animal, using smoking and fermentation techniques, baking their own bread and making their own charcuterie. Also I had some of the most stunningly clever alcoholic and non-alc pairings that I’ve had in a long while. I reckon New Norfolk is about to become the next big thing for Hobart thanks to the incredible work of this fabulous team. Make sure you put The Agrarian Kitchen on your bucket list. theagrariankitchen.com

This is part of a larger article, read more here

From Aotearoa to Hobart with love

Kelli Brett embraces Tasmania’s ultimate winter feast.

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