
flour, for dusting
6 balls of Leve’s pizza dough (see recipe)
6 tablespoons plant-based crème fraîche
3 tablespoons cashew butter
300g kimchi (see recipe)
600g shiitake mushrooms
olive oil
3 tablespoons Japanese soy sauce
3 teaspoons sesame oil
1½ tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon agave syrup
2 teaspoons toasted sesame seeds
LEVE’S PIZZA DOUGH makes 6 pizzas
1kg strong plain (bread) flour
700ml + 75ml water at 40°C
200g active sourdough
20g sea salt
KIMCHI makes about 1.2kg
1kg Chinese cabbage
100g daikon, peeled
100g rhubarb stalks
1¼ tablespoons salt
200ml kimchi base (see recipe)
You’ll need a 1.5-litre sterilised preserving jar with a rubber seal and bracket lock
KIMCHI BASE makes about 750g
500ml water
2 tablespoons rice flour
100g light miso
2 silver onions, roughly chopped
2 white or yellow medium carrots, coarsely chopped
100g radishes, coarsely chopped in 3-4cm chunks
about 12g ginger root
10 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
250g mild white chilli, such as ajì peppers

View the recipe collection here


2.Whisk all the ingredients for the sauce together in a bowl.
4.Mix the flour, the larger quantity of water and sourdough by hand in a mixing bowl until the temperature of the dough is 30–33°C.
5.Cover in plastic wrap and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
6.Add the salt and knead it into the dough together with remaining water.
7.Leave the dough to prove at room temperature for 60 minutes.
8.Fold the dough once every 20 minutes while proving: moisten your hand and pick up the dough’s outer edge, pull it carefully and fold it towards the middle. Continue until you have gone all the way around.
9.Leave the dough in the refrigerator for 24 hours. During that time, the dough should increase in volume by 30–50% and feel airy, bubbly and lively.
10.Place the dough on a floured baking board. Divide into pieces of around 300g.
11.Shape the pieces of dough into small balls but take care not to press too much air out of them.
12.Sprinkle a little flour on each ball, cover them with a tea towel and then cover in plastic wrap.
13.Leave them to prove at room temperature for 1–2 hours.
14.When the dough balls have finished proving, they should have slackened, sunk and increased around 20% in size.
15.If you carefully push a finger into the dough and leave a small mark, the dough is ready to be made into pizzas.
17.Pour the water and rice flour into a saucepan, bring to the boil then simmer for around 5 minutes.
18.Remove the saucepan from the heat and allow the mixture to cool. You can leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
19.Put the miso, onions, carrots, radishes, ginger and garlic in a food processor and mix into a fine purée. If it is too thick, you can add a dash of water.
20.Pour the rice flour mixture, the vegetable purée and chillies into a glass jar and mix thoroughly.
21.Keep in the refrigerator. If you don’t intend to use it for a while, you can also freeze it.
23.Cut the Chinese cabbage lengthways and then cut into slices 1cm thick. Use as much of the cabbage as possible.
24.Cut the daikon and rhubarb into thin batons.
25.Put the batons in a bowl with the cabbage and massage in the salt.
26.Leave to stand at room temperature for at least 1 hour so that the vegetables have time to release liquid.
27.Occasionally turn over the cabbage and squeeze.
28.Then add the kimchi base and stir or massage with your hands to ensure it is all well mixed.
29.Put the kimchi into the glass jar a little at a time. Apply pressure with a wooden spoon to make everything fit (including the liquid).
30.Close the lid and seal with the bracket.
31.Place the jar on a plate and ideally stand it in a plastic bag since it is very likely that some liquid will be ejected.
32.Leave the jar to stand at room temperature for 5–7 days. The longer it is left, the more acidic it will be.
33.Leave the jar in the refrigerator for at least 1 week to allow the flavours time to develop.
35.Heat a wood oven or regular oven with a pizza stone on the grill to the highest temperature possible. Leave for a while to ensure that the stone is really hot.
36.Dust a large chopping board generously with flour.
37.Take a ball of the pizza dough and shape it into a round pizza. Let it rest for a few minutes.
38.Dust the pizza paddle with flour, place the pizza base on the paddle while pulling gently at the edges to make the circle bigger.
39.Take 1 tablespoon of crème fraîche and draw it out from the middle towards the edge in a thin layer.
40.Drip a little cashew butter over it and spread it.
41.Add the kimchi and shiitake mushrooms before putting the pizza in the oven.
42.Once the edges of the pizza have bubbled up and taken on a good colour – it should preferably be a little burnt in places – it is ready.
43. Remove from the oven and brush the edges with olive oil.
44.Finish by drizzling a little of the sauce over it when serving.

This is an edited extract
from Mushrooms
by Martin Nordin,
photography by Martin
Nordin and Oskar Falck,
Hardie Grant Books,
RRP $39.99. Available
in stores nationally.