
150g smoked or grilled fish (preferably oily fish)
300g trevally or kahawai, cut into small-medium dice
30g peeled ginger, finely diced
2 shallots, finely diced
2 cloves garlic, finely diced
chopped chives (optional)
75ml coconut vinegar
1 shallot, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic
30g ginger, peeled
50g coriander, stems and root
1 yellow capsicum, chopped
2-3 red chillies or jalapeños
1 teaspoon turmeric
150ml lime juice or coconut vinegar

Served with LAST SUMMER

View the recipe collection here


1.Mix all the suglaw ingredients in a mixing bowl, season and mix again, then let it marinate in the fridge for 5-30 minutes, depending on how much acidity you would like – I usually go for 5-10 minutes.
3.Put all ingredients apart from the ice into a high-speed blender, put the lid on and blend at high speed.
4.Gradually add ice to prevent the mixture from heating up and continue to blend until smooth.
5.If you prefer the sauce to be really smooth, pass it through a fine sieve into a container. Keep in the fridge until needed.
6.This is best served really cold, so it can be done a few hours prior and will keep well overnight.
7.To serve, there are two options: either assemble in a ring mould and serve crackers on the side, or serve directly on top of the crackers.
8.Take the suglaw and the amarillo leche de tigre out of the fridge.
9.Strain any liquid from the fish mixture, making sure that it’s not soupy or too wet especially if you are serving it with crackers.
10.Using a flat round plate, assemble the fish mixture onto a ring mould or on top of the cracker then finish with the leche de tigre.
11.If you plan to serve it directly onto a cracker, bear in mind that it will quickly go soggy, so try to assemble it as needed or close to serving.

Food by Carlo Buenaventura / Drinks by Matthew Venables / Photography Manja Wachsmuth

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