
300g smoked fish (I used mackerel)
500ml chicken stock
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 large leek, sliced
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
½ bunch coriander, leaves and stems
pinch chilli flakes
1 teaspoon sweet smoked paprika
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into 1cm dice
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 x 400g can tomatoes
1 tablespoon tamarind paste

I love the delicate smoked flavour the fish imparts here and the sour sweetness of the tamarind – but vary the tartness to taste by adding another tablespoon of tamarind paste if you love it or omitting altogether if you prefer.


1.Flake the fish into large chunks. Put the fish skin (if any) in a pan with the chicken stock and simmer until ready to use.
2.Strain before adding to the soup.
3.In a saucepan, heat the oil and fry the leek with the garlic until soft.
4.Chop the coriander stems and add to the leeks along with the chilli flakes and smoked paprika and cook for a minute, then add potatoes and salt and stir to coat.
5.Add the tinned tomatoes, tamarind paste and the strained chicken stock.
6.Cook for 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are tender.
7.If the soup needs a little thinning, add extra water or stock to the pan.
8.Add the flaked fish, cook for 5 minutes, add the chopped coriander leaves and serve with bread.

Recipes & food styling Ginny Grant / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Ellen J Hemmings

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