
100ml canola oil
1.5kg bone-in lamb shoulder
20g cumin seeds
10g caraway seeds
5g cloves
1 stick cinnamon
4 star anise
2 bay leaves
500g red onion, diced
250g tomatoes, diced
30g curry leaves
20g ginger paste
20g garlic paste
300ml chicken stock
10g cumin seeds
400ml water
100g tapioca pearls
salt and pepper, to taste
canola oil, for frying
200g whole walnuts, shelled
4 tablespoons canola oil
10g mustard seeds
20g curry leaves
10g cumin seeds
1 green chilli, deseeded, finely chopped
1 tablespoon crushed garlic
1 medium-sized red onion, finely chopped
50g fresh coriander leaves, finely sliced
2 tablespoons lemon juice
salt and pepper, to taste
coriander leaves
extra virgin olive oil


1.Heat the oven to 160°C.
2.Put the canola oil into a hot pan and sear the lamb shoulder until it is golden brown on all sides.
3.Transfer the lamb into a baking dish and set aside
4. In the same pan add all the dried spices and fry until crackling.
5.Add the onions and sauté until translucent, then add the tomatoes and cook until semi dry, about 15 minutes.
6.Add the curry leaves, ginger and garlic and cook for a couple of minutes until nice and fragrant, then add the chicken stock and bring to the boil.
7.Add all the braising liquid to the baking dish with the lamb shoulder, cover with foil and cook it in the oven for 4-5 hours until it is falling off the bone.
8.Once cooked, take it out the oven and let it cool in the liquid overnight.
9.Next day, take the meat from the liquid and shred. Bring the braising liquid to the boil then blend to a smooth consistency.
10.Add to the lamb. Spread some plastic wrap on a flat surface.
11.Add the warm lamb mix and roll it into a cylinder about 4cm in diameter.
12.Put into the fridge for about 2 hours.
13.Once set, remove it from the plastic wrap and cut into slices about 1.5cm thick.
14.Set aside until ready to assemble.
16.Heat the oven to 70-80°C.
17.Line a baking tray with baking paper.
18.Toast the cumin in a pan and set aside.
19.Boil the water, add the tapioca pearls and cook them over a low-medium heat until translucent, about 15 minutes.
20.Add the toasted cumin, salt and pepper and mix.
21.Spread the tapioca into small discs about 2mm thick and 5cm wide and dehydrate in the oven until crispy, about 4 hours.
22.Heat the oil to 220°C and deep fry the tapioca crackers until golden brown, about 1-2 minutes.
24.Soak the walnuts overnight in water.
25.Drain, then blend the walnuts to a fine consistency.
26.To temper the spices, heat the canola oil in a saucepan and add the mustard seeds, curry leaves, cumin seeds, green chilli and garlic.
27.Stir until crackling, then add to the walnuts.
28.Add the red onion, coriander and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.
30.Put the lamb slices on a baking tray and reheat at 90°C for 50 minutes.
31.Put the tapioca crackers on a plate, top each cracker with a slice of lamb and one teaspoon of walnut salsa, season with salt and garnish with fresh coriander and extra virgin olive oil.

Recipe by Aditya Raut