
4 ripe but firm pears
700ml water
225g caster sugar
20g fresh ginger, finely sliced
10 green cardamom pods
pinch of saffron strands
100g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
100g wholemeal (wholewheat) flour
pinch of fine sea salt
35g caster sugar
120g cold unsalted butter, diced
50–60ml water
2 tablespoons ground almonds
1 egg, beaten
handful of flaked (slivered) almonds
2 tablespoons demerara (turbinado) sugar

I’ll always have time for a galette. Even more so when they’re mini and I get a whole one to myself. They’re a lot less pressure if you don’t want or need to make a whole pie, and sturdy enough to transport easily without worrying about leaks and spills. I love using a bit of wholemeal flour in these for that nutty texture it brings to the pastry, but feel free to use just plain flour if preferred. Bring these along for a smaller, cosy gathering and serve warm with crème fraîche, ice cream or sour cream crème pâtissière.

View the recipe collection here


1.Peel your pears and cut them in half. Remove the core and set aside.
2.Add the water, sugar, ginger and cardamom to a deep saucepan and bring to the boil.
3.Add in the saffron and reduce the heat to a simmer.
4.Place your pears in the liquid, cover with the lid slightly ajar and poach for 20–30 minutes, until softened but still holding their shape.
5.Remove from the heat and let the pears cool in the syrup.
6.If you’re making ahead, place the pears and syrup in the fridge until needed.
7.To make the pastry, add both flours to a bowl. Mix in the salt and sugar.
8.Add in the diced butter and use your fingertips to rub it into the flour until you have a coarse breadcrumb mixture.
9.Make a well in the centre and add 50ml water.
10.Use a table knife to stir and bring it together to get a rough dough.
11.If it still looks really dry, add in a bit more water, a tablespoon at a time.
12.Turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and use your hands to bring it together into a thick disc.
13.Wrap in plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for 3–4 hours or overnight.
14.On the day you’re baking, line 2 baking trays with baking paper.
15.Cut your dough into 4 pieces and roll each one out, about 15cm wide.
16.Place 2 on each baking tray and dust the base with some ground almonds, leaving about 2.5cm clear around the edges.
17.Remove the pears from the syrup and slice each half diagonally into about 5 slices.
18.Arrange 2 halves (so about 10 slices) on each pastry disc and fold the edges up and over some of the fruit. Chill the galettes for 20 minutes.
19.Preheat the oven to 200°C (180°C fan).
20.Brush the pastry with the beaten egg and sprinkle the flaked almonds and demerara sugar on top.
21.Bake for 30–35 minutes until the pastry is golden.
22.Let them cool completely on a wire rack before serving or boxing up in an airtight container.
23.You’ll have a lot of poaching liquid left over.
24.You can strain this and add it back to a saucepan, bring to the boil and let it reduce by about two-thirds.
25.Serve the galettes with a drizzle of the syrup if you want something sweeter, or it can be used for drinks.

This is an edited
extract from I’ll Bring
Dessert by Benjamina
Ebuehi, published
by Quadrille, $59.99.
Available in stores
nationally from 11 April
2024. Photography
by Laura Edwards.