
1 small/medium fennel bulb
2 medium zucchini
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
8 basil leaves, shredded
350g queso fresco or haloumi
60g quince paste, chopped
1 tablespoon sherry

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1.Slice the fennel and zucchini as thinly as possible and mix with 2 tablespoons of the oil, lemon juice and basil and season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
2.Cut the cheese into 1cm slices and then cut those pieces in half.
3.Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in a frying pan over a medium-high heat and cook the cheese for 3 minutes each side until golden brown. Remove from the pan.
4.Add the quince paste and sherry to the pan and stir to melt.
5.Once melted, add the cheese and toss to coat.
6.Serve hot with the fennel and zucchini.

Recipes & food styling Fiona Smith / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Fiona Smith, Aaron McLean