
juice and zest of 2 oranges
4 medium egg yolks
120g sugar
1 tablespoon vodka
1 teaspoon orange-blossom water
2 medium egg whites
300ml cream, lightly whipped
pistachio cake (the recipe below will make about double what you will need, depending on the tin you use for the parfait)
apricots, freeze-dried oranges, chopped pistachios, to serve
100g pistachios
125g butter
75g self-raising flour
2 eggs
75g caster sugar
500g apricots, stones removed, sliced
juice and zest of 1 orange
2 tablespoons caster sugar

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2.Bring the orange juice to the boil in a small saucepan and reduce by half (you want to end up with about ¼ cup). Cool.
3.In a medium-sized bowl, use an electric mixer to whisk the egg yolks until thick and creamy.
4.In a small saucepan, dissolve the sugar in 100ml water, stirring over a low heat.
5.When dissolved, increase the heat and bring to a boil. Boil for about 5 minutes until the syrup reaches soft-ball stage (120°C on a candy thermometer).
6.While whisking continuously, slowly pour the syrup into the egg yolks.
7.Continue whisking until the mixture is cool.
8.When the egg yolk mixture is cool, stir in the cooled orange juice, zest, vodka and orange-blossom water.
9.Whisk the egg whites until they form peaks.
10.Fold the egg whites and whipped cream into the mixture.
11.Pour the mixture into a 1.25-litre loaf tin lined with plastic wrap.
12.Cut the pistachio cake to fit and place on top.
13.Cover well and freeze for at least 24 hours.
14.To serve, unwrap and slice. Serve with apricots, and sprinkle with freeze-dried oranges and toasted pistachios.
16.Heat the oven to 160°C.
17.Spread the pistachios in an even layer on a baking tray.
18.Bake for 6 minutes, stirring once, until the nuts are just golden and smelling toasted.
19.Raise the oven temperature to 180°C.
20.Place half the nuts in a food processor, grind finely and set aside.
21.Chop the remaining pistachios roughly and store in an airtight container for garnish.
22.Place the butter in a saucepan and melt.
23.Brush a 20cm x 20cm cake tin with some of the melted butter and dust with flour.
24.Set aside the remaining butter to cool.
25.Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric beater until very thick and pale, about 5 minutes.
26.Sift the flour and mix with the ground pistachios.
27.Gently fold in half the flour mixture, then half the butter, repeat with the remaining flour and butter.
28.Spoon into the tin. Bake for 15 minutes until risen.
30.Place the apricots, orange juice, zest and sugar in a bowl and mix well. Leave to macerate for 30 minutes

Recipes and food styling Fiona Smith / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Fiona Lascelles

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