
300g rhubarb
220g sugar
zest of 1 lemon
125ml lemon juice (about 3-4 lemons)
300ml cream
200ml Greek yoghurt
GINGER THINS makes 12 / preparation 10 mins / cook 8 mins
2 egg whites
50g butter, softened
50g caster sugar
50g flour, sifted
½ teaspoon ground ginger

Possets are creamy, tangy and tart, simple to make and a great way to finish a meal. This one has a mix of cream and yoghurt so it is less rich than a traditional posset. I have served it with thin ginger biscuits to scoop, but any wafer biscuit is good.


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1.Cut the rhubarb into 5cm pieces and put in a pot with 50g of the sugar and 2 tablespoons water.
2.Cover and cook over a low heat for about 5 minutes until just collapsing.
3.Cool and divide between six serving glasses or dishes.
4.Put the lemon zest in a small saucepan with the lemon juice and the remaining sugar over a low heat and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved. Keep warm.
5.Pour the cream into a small, heavy-bottomed pan and heat gently until it comes to the boil.
6.Pour in the citrus syrup, whisking to combine, cool for about 10 minutes then pour through a sieve into a jug and stir in the yoghurt.
7.Pour this on top of the rhubarb.
8.Chill for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight, before serving with the ginger thins.
10.Heat the oven to 200°C and line two baking sheets with baking paper.
11.Whisk the egg whites until stiff and set aside.
12.Cream the butter and sugar together until light and creamy.
13.Fold in the egg whites along with the flour and ginger.
14.Spoon into a piping bag fitted with an 8mm nozzle and pipe biscuits about 10cm long and 1.5cm wide, leaving a little space between them as they will spread.
15.Bake for about 8 minutes until golden around the outside.
16.To make a scoop shape, drape the hot biscuits over the handles of wooden spoons (or similar) while they cool.
17.Cool on a rack and store in an airtight container.

Recipes & food styling Fiona Smith / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Fiona Lascelles