
2 tablespoons honey
½ cup white wine vinegar
2 firm peaches, peeled and cut into small dice
¼ teaspoon salt
150g orange kūmara, peeled
75g butter
½ cup wholemeal flour
½ cup self-raising flour
¼ cup cornflour
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon turmeric
¼ teaspoon caster sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
100ml milk
100ml buttermilk
2 medium eggs
150g chèvre-style goat’s cheese
100g crème fraîche
100g pancetta
selection of soft herbs (I used chervil, baby basil and nasturtium)

At Cuisine, we love the savoury waffles served at Little Culprit, so this is my homage to them. The waffles go soft quite quickly, but you can cook them ahead then reheat, which crisps them up. The toppings are also great on crostini or grilled bread.

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2.Put the honey and vinegar into a small saucepan, heat to dissolve the honey, then cool.
3.Put the peaches into a container with the salt and the vinegar mix and stir well.
4.Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or up to 5 days, stirring occasionally.
6.Cut the kūmara into even pieces and cook in simmering water until tender then drain and mash well. Set aside to cool.
7.Melt the butter and set aside to cool.
8.Put the flours, cornflour, baking powder, turmeric, caster sugar and salt in a bowl and mix together, then form a well in the middle.
9.In a separate bowl, whisk together the milk, buttermilk, eggs and kūmara to make a smooth mixture.
10.Stir this into the dry mix until smooth then gently fold in the butter.
11.Heat a waffle iron to a medium setting.
12.The shape of your waffle iron will determine how much batter you put in: for a deep 4 x square iron I used 2 tablespoons per square and made 2 waffles; for a shallow, round waffle maker I used 3 tablespoons and made 5 waffles.
13.The cooking time will also vary, approximately 6 minutes for a deep waffle and 4 minutes for a thinner one, but test the first one to see that the batter is cooked through and they are nice and browned.
15.Warm the waffles in the oven at 180°C for 5 minutes to crisp up.
16.Put the goat’s cheese and crème fraîche in a mixer and whisk together until smooth (you may want to add a splash of milk if your cheese is a firmer style).
17.Cook the pancetta in a frying pan until crisp and drain on paper towels.
18.To serve, cut the waffles into bite-sized pieces and top each with a little cheese, peach, pancetta and a few herbs.
19.Grind over some black pepper to finish.

Recipes and food styling Fiona Smith / Photography Fraser Chatham / Fiona Lascelles

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