Honey & Almond Cappuccino With Venezia
Nespresso, Ispirazione Italiana coffee

Nespresso Machine & Milk Device, Spoon, Knife & Chopping BoardIngredients
10ml honey | |
40ml Venezia | |
100ml almond milk | |
½ tsp almond essence | |
10g toasted slivered almonds |
Back to: Discover inspiration in every cup with Ispirazione Italiana by Nespresso.
1. | Pour the honey into a VIEW Cappuccino Cup. |
2. | Extract Venezia into the cup and leave for 15 seconds to allow the honey to melt into the espresso. Stir to combine. |
3. | Put the almond milk and essence into a milk frother and froth on the frothiest setting. |
4. | Pour the hot milk over the espresso and honey. |
5. | Garnish with slivered almonds. |