
7 gelatine leaves (platinum grade)
30g dried hibiscus flowers
650ml water
90g caster sugar
20g fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
pared zest (using a swivel peeler) of 1 orange
1 cinnamon stick
2½ gelatine leaves (platinum grade)
250ml buttermilk
70ml milk
40g caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste

I went back and forth deciding whether to include a jelly recipe in this book. It’s not something I make very often; I’ve got to be in a very specific mood for it but when the craving hits, this is what I’d go for. My best jelly memories are as a child at school being served neon-red scoops that I’d shake vigorously, watching it nearly jiggle right off my plate. Served with the cheapest vanilla ice cream, it was such a treat. This version is a little more grown up, with a hibiscus jelly spiked with fresh ginger and orange, layered with milky buttermilk jelly.

View the recipe collection here



1.For the hibiscus layer, add the gelatine leaves to a small bowl of cold water and set aside.
2.Add the hibiscus, water, sugar, ginger, orange zest and cinnamon to a saucepan and bring to the boil.
3.Reduce the heat down to a simmer and let it gently bubble away for about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and strain into a jug.
4.Take the gelatine out of the water and squeeze to remove any excess water.
5.Add the gelatine to the hibiscus and stir until dissolved.
6.Pour it into a jelly mould and leave to cool to room temperature before chilling in the fridge for 2 hours.
7.To make the buttermilk layer, add the gelatine sheets to a bowl of cold water.
8.Add the buttermilk, milk, sugar and vanilla to a small saucepan and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved and the buttermilk is warmed through.
9.Remove from the heat and let it cool a little. Add the gelatine leaves to the pan, stirring to dissolve.
10.Let it cool for about 15 minutes before pouring on top of the hibiscus layer.
11.Chill in the fridge for at least 6 hours or ideally overnight.
12.When you’re ready to serve, dip the mould in a bowl of hot water for a couple of seconds.
13.Place a plate on top and flip it over to release.

This is an edited
extract from I’ll Bring
Dessert by Benjamina
Ebuehi, published
by Quadrille, $59.99.
Available in stores
nationally from 11 April
2024. Photography
by Laura Edwards.