
8 whole raw king prawns, shell on
sea salt
1 teaspoon candied orange (see recipe)
1 teaspoon chopped chives
100ml mascarpone (see recipe for lime-vanilla mascarpone or use shop-bought mascarpone)
LIME-VANILLA MASCARPONE makes about 800 ml / prep 10 mins plus overnight setting time & 24 hrs draining time / cook 5 mins
2 limes, zested and juiced
1 litre cream
1 vanilla bean
1 teaspoon citric acid
CANDIED ORANGE prep 10 mins plus cooling time / cook 2 hrs 40 mins
peel of 1 orange, pith removed
100g sugar
100ml water

You could buy mascarpone, but I have included a recipe should you wish to make your own.

View the recipe collection here


1.Butterfly the prawns by splitting them down the middle on the underside.
2.Season with salt then start to char grill them on a low heat on the bars of a barbecue shell-side down. You can also do this under a grill, shell-side down.
3.Add the candied orange and chopped chives to the mascarpone, bring to a gentle simmer and cook until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
4.Remove from the heat. Baste the prawns with this as they cook, cooking until the meat turns opaque, about 4 minutes.
5.Turn the prawns over to flesh-side down and give them a quick flash, about 20 seconds, to give them a bit of char before pulling them off to rest.
6.Baste with more mascarpone and serve.
8.Bring the lime zest, cream and vanilla bean to a rolling boil for 4 minutes exactly, until the cream separates.
9.Add the lime juice and citric acid and bring the cream back to the boil.
10.Simmer for 1 minute exactly and remove from the heat.
11.Pour through a fine sieve and place in the fridge overnight until it begins to set.
12.Line a sieve with a muslin cloth and place it over a deep bowl.
13.Pour in the cream, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 24 hours.
14.Scoop the mascarpone from the muslin into a container and refrigerate.
15.This makes more than you need but it will last for 10 days in the fridge.
17.Finely slice the orange peel, put into a small pot and cover with cold water.
18.Bring to the boil then strain the peel through a fine sieve, discarding the water.
19.Put the peel back into the pot, cover again with cold water and repeat the boiling/ straining process three more times to remove any bitterness from the orange.
20.Bring the sugar and water to the boil in a small saucepan and simmer for 2 minutes.
21.Add the peel and bring back to the boil for 1 minute.
22.Remove it from the heat and allow the peel to cool in the syrup.
23.Drain off the syrup and set to one side – you don’t need to use it for this recipe but don’t throw it out as it’s great for making cocktails.
24.Spread the peel out on a piece of non-stick paper and place into a low oven to dry out, which can take a couple of hours.
25.Once the peel is dry, keep it in an airtight container.

Food and recipe styling Martin Bosley / Photography Amber-Jayne Bain