
1kg chicken wings
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon chicken or herb stock powder
2 teaspoons smoked paprika
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ teaspoon cracked black pepper
¾ tablespoon salt
1 egg white, size 7
350g plain flour
500ml neutral oil
150ml Carolina Gold sauce or other sauce (see recipes)
gold cake glitter (optional – but very fun)

View the recipe collection here



1.Heat the oven to 160°C.
2.Cut the wings through the joints and discard the wing tips.
3.Put the chicken wings into a medium-sized bowl, add the onion, garlic and stock powders and the spices and mix thoroughly until evenly coated.
4.Whisk the egg white until foamy, pour over the wings and mix well.
5.Dredge the wings thoroughly in the flour and be sure not to shake off the excess flour.
6.Place wings onto a lined baking tray. Bake for 30 minutes.
7.Carefully check one wing to ensure it’s not pink around the bone, or use a temperature probe to check it’s above 75°C.
8.Remove from the oven. The wings can be cooled and refrigerated at this stage until ready to fry.
9.Put the oil into a medium-sized pot and heat to 170°C (or until bubbles appear immediately around a chopstick when inserted).
10.Fry the wings in batches for 3-4 minutes until golden. If frying from cold, cook until piping hot.
11.Toss the wings in sauce to coat (try any of the sauces given here).
12.Arrange on a large platter and dust with gold cake glitter to give them that razzle-dazzle. Serve immediately.

Food styling, recipes & photography David Neville