
1 loaf ciabatta, cut into slices
3 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil plus extra for drizzling
1 sprig rosemary leaves, finely chopped a pinch of chilli flakes
2 x 400g cans white beans, drained
2-3 tablespoons white wine vinegar rocket leaves to garnish

This is such a great standby for serving before a meal – white beans such as cannellini are a staple in my pantry and there is usually a loaf of bread to hand.


1.Grill the ciabatta on both sides and, while still warm, rub with a cut garlic clove and drizzle with some of the olive oil.
2.Heat the remaining olive oil gently, thinly slice the remaining garlic and add to the oil along with the rosemary and cook until fragrant but not coloured.
3.Add the chilli flakes, beans and vinegar and gently warm through. Roughly mash, season with salt and pepper and serve warm or cold.
4.Spoon some of the beans onto the crostini and garnish with the rocket.

Recipes & Food Styling Ginny Grant / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Ellen J Hemmings

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