
15g butter
1 tablespoon plain flour
100ml milk
1 teaspoon Marmite or Vegemite
100g cheddar cheese, grated
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast (optional)
250g high-grade flour, plus extra to roll
150g wholewheat flour
1½ teaspoons instant yeast
½ teaspoon salt
375ml warm water
butter, to serve

I basically grew up on cheese, Marmite and Vogels bread sandwiches and wanted to use this combination for a canapé to take to a friend’s New Zealand food-themed citizenship party. Adding the cheese and Marmite to a béchamel-style sauce gave a versatile spread that has more body than just the two combined.

To make canapés, cut bite-sized rounds from Vogels bread, lay them on a lined baking sheet, toast for a few minutes in a 180℃ oven then top with teaspoonfuls of the béchamel and bake for 8-10 until just bubbling. Make sure you use the baking paper as the filling oozes out, but this is the tasty part so is to be encouraged!

Here I have made a cheese and Marmite loaf using a no-knead dough that can prove overnight in the fridge or on the bench for a couple of hours.

View the recipe collection here


1.Melt the butter in a small saucepan over a medium heat.
2.Add the plain flour and stir until the butter and flour are well combined then cook, stirring, for about 1 minute, without browning.
3.Pour in the milk, stirring constantly as it thickens for 2-3 minutes.
4.Remove from the heat and stir in the Marmite, cheese and nutritional yeast, if using. Store in the fridge for up to 1 week.
5.In a large bowl mix together the flours, yeast and salt then stir in the warm water.
6.Stir together well (the mix should be wet and loose enough to mix together easily).
7.Cover with plastic wrap and leave to prove on the bench for 2 hours or overnight in the fridge.
8.Line a loaf pan with baking paper (I used a pan 23cm x 13cm).
9.Dust the bench very well with flour and scrape out the dough using a dough scraper or spatula.
10.Bring the dough together with some of the flour so it is manageable and not too sticky. Divide into 12 equal portions.
11.Take one piece of dough and press out to a circle, roughly 10cm in diameter.
12.Spoon a heaped teaspoon of the cheese-Marmite filling into the middle, fold over to a half circle and pinch the edges to seal.
13.Place at the end of the loaf pan, pinched-side up.
14.I like to balance the loaf pan on a balled-up tea towel at an angle so the dough stays put and you can add the next piece easily.
15.Repeat with remaining dough until the pan is evenly full.
16.Leave to rise at room temperature; this will take 30 minutes for room temperature dough, or 1 hour if the dough has been in the fridge.
17.Heat the oven to 220℃ then reduce to 180℃ and bake the loaf for 45-50 minutes, covering with foil if the top gets too brown.
18.Cool for at least 10 minutes before eating with butter if liked.

Recipes & food styling Fiona Smith / Photography Aaron McLean / Styling Fiona Lascelles