
350ml water
5g active dry yeast
500g strong bakers’ flour
10g salt
10g sugar
20ml olive oil
1 egg


1.Mix the water and dry yeast in a mixing bowl, add the flour, salt, sugar and oil and mix until combined.
2.Wrap the bowl in plastic wrap or cover with a tea towel for 10 minutes.
3.Remove the dough and knead on a lightly floured bench until the dough is strong and the gluten has developed.
4.Put it back into the mixing bowl and cover again.
5.Rest again for 30 minutes.
6.Remove the dough from the bowl, shape into a loaf shape and place into a well-greased baking tin.
7.Let the dough rise to the top of the tin.
8.Preheat the oven to 210°C.
9.Whisk the egg with a little water, brush the top of the loaf, then bake for 25 minutes.
10.The loaf should be golden brown once baked.
11.Remove from the tin and leave to cool before slicing and eating.

Photography Tony Nyberg

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