“Recommended” Stickers


These Recommended by Cuisine stickers promote success in Cuisine wine tastings.

The burgundy sticker promotes wines that have been awarded 4- and ½ star ratings.

The gold sticker identifies the top-scoring wines by highlighting 5 star awards.

We also offer the opportunity to promote your Best Buy rating in the one sticker alongside your Recommended by Cuisine star rating.


As the magazine is delivered bi-monthly, allow up to 8 weeks for your first magazine to arrive.

These prices reflect current postal and distribution rates.
6 months includes $11.80 shipping, 12 months includes $23.00 shipping, and 24 months includes $47.00 shipping
Australia 12 months includes $110.00 shipping


If your magazine is returned we will reach out to you via phone or email to obtain the correct or new address. During this time your subscription will be put on hold. If we do not hear back within 6 months the subscription will be cancelled.


Subscriptions are not refundable.