The Edmonds Cookery Book was first published in 1907 and I’d wager that a majority of Kiwi households still have one. For some it might be a butter-smeared and tatty old favourite in frequent use, for others a dusty relic in a box in the garage, pushed out of fashion by the Hestons, Jamies, and the latest TV fad. Edmonds Everyday collects previously published recipes and updates them to reflect evolving tastes and new ingredients that have become pantry staples. For instance, in the finger food section out go mousetraps (!), sardine savouries and stuffed eggs to be replaced by felafel, satay, spring rolls and sushi. Salad cream (made with sweetened condensed milk) is in, but where is the onion dip? Traditionalists can be reassured – the baking sections are still bulging with the sorts of cakes that your granny used to make, and new generations of cooks can be guided through techniques such as jam and chutney making. With a larger format than the traditional book, many more photos and the demise of the spiral binding, consider it a ‘best of’ album.
