Eat round the rainbow with these late-summer salads from Emma Galloway.
I was brainstorming salad ideas for this issue when Cuisine editor Kelli Brett mentioned that the all-time favourite Cuisine salad was one created by Lauraine Jacobs, named Salade Rouge. It features all manner of red ingredients from tomatoes and capsicums to red onion and beetroot, too. I really like the idea of making salads where the ingredients are dictated by a singular colour, so on the following pages you’ll find vibrant salads in shades of yellow, orange, purple, green and white. I hope you have as much fun making and eating these as I did creating them.
In Season watermelon
When the weather is scorching, watermelon is the ultimate cooler. But…
Give a man a fish… Squid
A flash in the pan or a long slow cook – there’s no middle ground…