When Leanne Kitchen’s latest arrived in the post a colleague picked it up and said: “Why on earth would you want to buy a cookbook with only cauliflower recipes in it?” Perhaps I’m a little too far the other way when it comes to enthusiasm for collections and curations, but I also suspected that the 70 different ways to use cauli would provide me with 65 more than my usual cauliflower cheese, cauliflower rice, stir-fried, roasted and pureed options so I dived in with an open mind. Kitchen has hooked into the ‘zeitgeist moment’ that this king of vegetables is currently enjoying, providing inspiration for snacks, salads, baking and full meals as well as bits and pickles. Cauliflower, walnut and smoked cheese tart, cauliflower, lime and coconut cheesecake, shaved cauliflower and fennel salad with lemon, almonds and burrata, and gochujang cauli lettuce wraps are all going on my to-do list. AND the cauli is rich in choline, a nutrient essential for brain development. I’m in!