Ginny Grant enjoys taste memories of travels past and anticipates pleasures to come.
“I spent a few weeks sailing around the Greek islands on a trip I’ll never forget: that vast expanse of sea, beautifully desolate islands, the sound of the waves echoing off our anchorage in Santorini.”
We are all armchair travellers now, whether we like it or not. Like many of you, I was about to travel on holiday, taking my first trip outside Australasia in over a decade. And gee, was I desperate for some new experiences. So, while I won’t be eating pho on the streets of Hanoi anytime soon, I’ll resort to what I’ve always done instead, namely reading up on areas of interest, cooking dishes from cuisines I’m interested in and thinking of what else needs to go on the bucket list.
In Season watermelon
When the weather is scorching, watermelon is the ultimate cooler. But…
Give a man a fish… Squid
A flash in the pan or a long slow cook – there’s no middle ground…