
50ml unaged pisco or aged white rum (Peruvian pisco unaged such as Encanto or Diplomatico Plata white rum)
30ml leche de tigre
20ml simple syrup (caster sugar dissolved in an equal volume of water)
coriander and chilli, to garnish

Named after the tiger in The Life of Pi… now, this is something unusual. With all the fresh citrus and herbs around in New Zealand’s spring, cooking at home always turns to ceviche. The juice of the ceviche is called ‘leche de tigre’ or ‘tiger’s milk’. In Peru, this juice is drunk the next day as a hangover cure but what I’ve discovered is that it is really exciting when shaken with Venezuelan rum or pisco into a daiquiri or pisco sour. When making the ceviche, I allow it to rest without any onion, strain off the leche de tigre for your cocktail, and then add the onion to the fish. The drink still works with oniony leche de tigre but it is a little more challenging, so best left out for your first attempt.


1.Fill a shaker with ice and add all of the ingredients except the garnish.
2.Shake very hard for 11 seconds and then remove any small particles by double straining through a cocktail strainer then a tea strainer into a coupe.

Cocktail recipes and cocktail styling Peter Lowry & Laura Walker; cocktail photography Nicola Edmonds
Click here for the recipe Ceviche 

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