There is much to like at Cibo. The dining areas, both inside and out, are elegant, the seating is comfortable and it’s a relaxing place to be. It’s a place where you come to be fawned over and that is part of its long-term popularity – especially with the lunchtime expense-account crowd, and as a special occasion dining destination. Prettily presented dishes showcase excellent-quality ingredients and portions are large and satisfying. Chef Kate Fay (pictured above) melds Asian flavours with Kiwi bistro dishes such as a beautifully flavoured congee full of ginger, galangal and coconut to accompany hāpuku, or an elegant dessert of doughnuts married with pineapple, creamily smooth coconut sorbet and a tart lime puree. The drinks list focusses on top-end wines, with a good  selection by the glass.

IN BRIEF Smart Parnell eatery with elegance and fun